Some Features of Modeling Design Accelerograms
Some Features of Modeling Design Accelerograms

Some Features of Modeling Design Accelerograms


Смирнова Любовь Николаевна Smirnova Lyubov N.,
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Scientific secretary of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Уздин Александр Моисеевич Uzdin A.M.
Dr. of Eng, Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University

Prokopovich S.V.
PhD student, Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State University of Railway Engineering; LLC "UK" Modern Bridge Technologies», engineer

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: modeling design accelerograms, dynamic calculations, synthetic accelerograms, Arias intensity
Summary:  At present, calculation of structures using earthquake accelerograms is becoming more and more important. However, the problem of modeling design accelerograms causes debates and contains various suggestions based on contradictory assumptions. Therefore, the value of complicated and time-consuming dynamic calculations can be rather dubious. The paper deals with some parameters of modeling design accelerograms. It is shown that the widely used method of input generation, developed by A.A. Dolgaya, gives rather rough approximations of synthetic accelerograms to real 
ones due to the insufficient number of model parameters.

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