On the need for coordinated actions of designers, manufacturers and installers of structures when changing solutions during construction
On the need for coordinated actions of designers, manufacturers and installers of structures when changing solutions during construction

On the need for coordinated actions of designers, manufacturers and installers of structures when changing solutions during construction

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2022-2-17-28


Mihail R. Uritskiy
PhD, deputy head of the Metal Structures Department of TSNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Oleg V. Korzhov
PhD of engineering, head of laboratory of the Metal Structures Department of TSNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation   

Evgenia A. Kolosova

Senior researcher of DMS of TSNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko

of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Technical regulation and design standards development   
Key words: large-span frame structures, level of responsibility of buildings, destruction of braces, inspection, full-scale testing of nodes, reinforcement of the frame

This article is intended to draw attention to the inadmissibility of delineating the areas of responsibility of designers, manufacturers and installers, since changing design decisions requires careful re-examination of the issues of installation, design, manufacture and calculation. This issue is most acute for buildings and structures with an increased level of responsibility. According to p. 10.5 GOST 27751-2015 "Reliability of building structures and foundations" for buildings and structures of KS-3, scientific and technical support of objects at all stages of building construction, starting from design and ending with monitoring during operation, should be provided.

This article discusses the precedent of making changes to the design documentation, which entailed

the destruction of structural elements. The bearing capacity of the mounting joints of the struts of the frames of the football arena covering was studied on full-scale samples of structural units. According to the test results, the causes of the destruction of part of the structures were established.


Used Books:

1.     Gradostroitel'nyj Kodeks Rossijskoj Federatsii

2.     GOST 27751 «Nadezhnost' stroitel'nykh konstrukcij i osnovanij»

3.     SP 16.13330 SNIP II-23-81* «Stal'nye konstruktsii. Normy proektirovaniya»

4.     SP 20.13330 SNIP 2.01-07-85* «Nagruzki i vozdejstviya. Normy proektirovaniya»

5.     SP 70.13330 SNIP 3.03.01-87 «Nesushchie i ograzhdayushchie konstrukcii». Aktualizirovannaya redaktsiya

6.     GOST 31937 «Zdaniya i sooruzheniya. Pravila obsledovaniya i monitoringa tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya»

7.     GOST 23118 «Konstrukcii stal'nye stroitel'nye. Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya»

8.     GOST 27772 «Prokat dlya stroitel'nykh stal'nykh konstrukcij. Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya»

9.     GOST 28870 «Metody ispytaniya na rastyazhenie tolstolistovogo prokata

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10. GOST 14771 «Dugovaya svarka v zashchitnom gaze. Soedineniya svarnye. Osnovnye tipy, konstruktivnye ehlementy i razmery»

11. GOST R 52643 «Bolty i gajki vysokoprochnye i shajby dlya metallicheskikh konstruktsij. Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya»

12. GOST 30245 «Profili stal'nye gnutye zamknutye svarnye kvadratnye i pryamougol'nye dlya stroitel'nykh konstruktsij. Tekhnicheskie usloviya»

13. GOST 24045 «Profili stal'nye listovye gnutye s trapecievidnymi goframi dlya stroitel'stva. Tekhnicheskie usloviya»

14. GOST 2590 «Prokat sortovoj stal'noj goryachekatanyj kruglyj. Sortament»

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