About Fundamentals For Insurance of Seismic Resistance of Transport Tunnels
About Fundamentals For Insurance of Seismic Resistance of Transport Tunnels

About Fundamentals For Insurance of Seismic Resistance of Transport Tunnels


Dorman I.Y.
д-р техн. наук, проф., акад. РАЕН, вице-президент по научной работе ОАО «Метрогипротранс»

Rubric:     Seismic safety and seismic isolation of buildings   

The problem of maintenance of seismic stability of transport tunnels is considered. Basis of reliable work of tunnels in seismic areas is complex compliance with the developed principles of design, including tracing, calculation, design обделок, the control over construction and creation of system of engineeringseismometric stations (ESS).

ESS allow to supervise a condition of tunnels in case of earthquakes and to provide measures under the prevention of the secondary negative phenomena (a fire, a derailment of a rolling stock) at set the maximum allowable threshold fluctuations of a soil file at earthquakes.

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