Evaluation Features of Fresh Groundwater Reserves in Exploitation Conditions of Interdependent Well Fields
Evaluation Features of Fresh Groundwater Reserves in Exploitation Conditions of Interdependent Well Fields

Evaluation Features of Fresh Groundwater Reserves in Exploitation Conditions of Interdependent Well Fields


Dzhgamadze A.K.
вед. научн. сотр. лаборатории геологии и гидрогеологии Центра геофизических исследований ВНЦ РАН и РСО-А (г. Владикавказ)

Zaalishvili V.B.
д-р физ.-мат. наук, проф., (Центр геофизических исследований ВНЦ РАН и РСО-А, г. Владикавказ)

Rubric:     Monitoring the state of natural-technical systems   

It is known that the seismic properties of dispersive soils are significantly affected by watering. At the same time the problem connected with change of mentioned properties in conditions of active anthropogenic impact is still poorly understood and phenomenologically limited. Thus the phenomenon of «drying» is rare in urban areas, where «flooding» is widespread. It is difficult to take into account in the projections the soil behavior during strong earthquakes, and it is of great scientific and practical interest.

As a result of extraction of groundwater intakes group localized in the city of Beslan massive cone of depression is formed. Dynamic impacts on soil increased as a result of the construction and expansion of enterprises, increase of railway and highway traffic due to seismic ground motions that can cause secondary deformation of soils, representing a danger to the population and the national economy of the city.

Investigation results on evaluation of fresh groundwater reserves of exploited Beslan deposit in RNO-Alania are considered. In 2004-05 hydrogeological investigations were conducted in the deposit in order to assess groundwater reserves in the generated hydrodynamic conditions and develop rational scheme of deposit exploitation. As the result of this work  the scheme of deposit exploitation has been modified and  measures that can prevent negative environmental effects were developed.

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