Estimation of Earthquake Stability of Being Built Open Way Railway Composite Arch Overpass of Tunnel Type
Zhamerko O.V.
Smirnova Lyubov N.,
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Scientific secretary of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation
Rubric: Theoretical and experimental studies
Estimation of earthquake stability of reinforced arch viaduct of tunnel type strengthened by corrugated metal arch structure has been carried out. The structure calculation has been done using the finite element diagram including railway the embankment, the composite arch and soil base. Along the contour of the design area was placed the damping boundary. Obtained system mode parameters (frequencies and damping) were used for generating design accelerograms. It is shown that in the process of strong earthquakes (MDE) in the arch impost and crown may occur plastic hinges. When this becomes the arch turn from hingeless one into two or three — hinge arch, but does not lose bearing capacity. The recommendations for the reinforcement of structures under consideration are proposed.