Assessment of Options for the Seismic Reinforcement of Houses 1-335с Series Built in the 1960s-70s Using the Method of Hierarchies Analysis
Assessment of Options for the Seismic Reinforcement of Houses 1-335с Series Built in the 1960s-70s Using the Method of Hierarchies Analysis

Assessment of Options for the Seismic Reinforcement of Houses 1-335с Series Built in the 1960s-70s Using the Method of Hierarchies Analysis


Berzhinskaya L.P.
канд. техн. наук, ст. научн. сотрудник, (Институт земной коры (ИЗК) СО РАН, Иркутск)

Бержинский Ю.А. Berzhinsky Yu.A.
канд. геол.-минерал. наук, заведующий ЛСС, (Институт земной коры (ИЗК) СО РАН, Иркутск)

Rubric:     Seismic risk and damage   
The paper deals with seismic safety of the residents living in 1-335c series apartment houses built in 1960-70s in the town of Angarsk. These houses were designed to withstand earthquakes with a seismic intensity of 6. The seismicity of the area of Angarsk is 8. The task is to choose the best alternative for the problem solution. Use has been method of hierarchies analysis.

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