Increasing the seismic resistance of operated buildings using special seismic protection methods
DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2021-3-41-48
Tatiana A. Belash
Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Professor, JSC Research Center of Construction. Moscow, Russian Federation
Erokhina Elizaveta D.
magister, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Rubric: Seismic safety and seismic isolation of buildings
Key words: seismic, exploited buildings, seismic resistance, seismic resistance deficit, seismic isolation, rubber-metal supports
The change in the level of seismicity of buildings and structures occurs as a result of updating the maps of general seismic zoning. Ensuring the seismic resistance of buildings and structures is a factor that must be taken into account, especially during construction in seismically active regions. Nowadays, one of the main approaches to increasing seismic resistance is the use of various seismic isolation systems. It is not always profitable and rational to increase the seismic resistance of building structures or foundations for equipment by simply increasing the strength. A classification of seismic reinforcement systems is given, among which the most sparing are special methods of seismic protection in the form of seismic isolation. Practical examples of the use of seismic isolation systems to improve the seismic resistance of existing buildings are given. A computational study was carried out, the result of which showed the effectiveness of using rubber-metal supports for hanging the seismic resistance of buildings.
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