The Reliability Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Column
The Reliability Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Column

The Reliability Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Column


Beloglazov A. D.
магистрант, Вологодский государственный университет (ВоГУ) (г. Вологда)

Sergey A. Solovev
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), associate professor of industrial and civil engineering department, Vologda State University, Russia

Уткин В.С. Utkin V.S.
Dr. Sci., professor Vologda State University

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
The article describes the experimental-theoretic method for the estimation of relative deformation of reinforced concrete column on the operation stage. The article also proposes methods for the calculation of reinforced concrete columns reliability on the strength criteria in condition of the single type of the stress plot of concrete column (compression). The offered methods take into account the incompleteness of statistical information. The article is intended for specialists in inspection and testing of reinforced concrete structures.

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