Development of Tooling to Conduct Monitoring of Integrated Seismic Safety in the Russian Federation’s Areas and Conduction of this Monitoring within the Framework of the Federal Target Program
Development of Tooling to Conduct Monitoring of Integrated Seismic Safety in the Russian Federation’s Areas and Conduction of this Monitoring within the Framework of the Federal Target Program

Development of Tooling to Conduct Monitoring of Integrated Seismic Safety in the Russian Federation’s Areas and Conduction of this Monitoring within the Framework of the Federal Target Program


Бубис Александр Александрович Alexander A. Bubis
Head of Structures Earthquake Resistance Research Center of TSNIISK named after V.A.Kucherenko of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Smirnov V. I.
канд. техн. наук, доцент (зам. главного редактора)

Rubric:     Federal Target Programs   

The paper presents the basic provisions of the Federal Target Program “Increasing stability of residential buildings, basic facilities and life-support systems in seismic areas of the Russian Federation for 2009-2018”. The research tools for the integrated seismic safety monitoring of the Russian Federation’s territory, the proposals and supplements for updating of the current regulatory documents are formed within this program.


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