Seismic Monitoring of Technogenic Impact on the Territory of Western Siberia
Seismic Monitoring of Technogenic Impact on the Territory of Western Siberia

Seismic Monitoring of Technogenic Impact on the Territory of Western Siberia


Еманов А.Ф. Emanov Alexandr F.
Doctor of technical sciences, branch director, Altay-Sayan branch of Federal Research Center “United Geophysical Survey RAS”, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Еманов А.А. Emanov Alexey A.
Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, Deputy Director for Research, Altay-Sayan branch of Federal Research Center “United Geophysical Survey RAS”, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Seismic zoning   
Key words: Western Siberia, seismological monitoring, assessment of seismic effct, industrial explosions, induced seismicity
The use of a network of seismological stations allowed us to estimate the level of anthropogenic seismic impact on buildings and structures in Western Siberia. Considered induced seismicity at mining sites. It is shown that the number of manmade earthquakes is growing, and the largest energy has reached a destructive level. An assessment of the level of impact on the region of industrial explosions is given, methods for monitoring the seismic effect of industrial explosions are developed, and measures are proposed to ensure the reduction of the seismic effect of industrial explosions. It is shown that for low-seismic areas it is necessary to carry out the refinement of seismic hazard due to man-made factors.

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