The creator of a shockproof shield in the path of seismic waves during an explosion
The creator of a shockproof shield in the path of seismic waves during an explosion

The creator of a shockproof shield in the path of seismic waves during an explosion

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2024-2-78-98


Alexander L. Kalinichenko

Employee, Editorial and Publishing Sector, Department of Scientific and Methodological Activities, JSC Research Center of Construction. Moscow, Russian Federation

Rubric:     The history of science and technics   
Key words: VIS, SRI-100, CSIIS, SCIP-5 Vibration laboratory, seismic impact, aerial bombs, seismic explosion wave, D.D. Barkan, underground structures, protection

Introduction. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the research activities of the staff of the Central Scientific Institute of Industrial Structures were mainly aimed at the implementation of military topics related to the theory of explosion, the construction of fortifications, their protection from external influences. Thus, the staff of the SCIP-5 Vibration laboratory (VIS, SRI-100, CSIIS) of the People's Commissariat of Construction of the USSR, under the guidance of a senior researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences D.D. Barkan, for the first time in Russian science, actively studied the issue of the effect of a seismic explosion wave in the explosion of bombs. The relevance of the topic being developed by scientists was related to the preparation of materials for the design and calculation of defense structures exposed to aerial bombs. Based on archival materials, a brief historiography of the research is compiled in the article, organized according to the classical version in two stages: preparatory, which included the study of the relevance of the issue, the development of a research program and practical, related to the analysis of the data obtained, on the basis of which methodological recommendations for designers and builders were compiled.

The activity of scientists at the stage of preparation of the research program, planning of material support, necessary forces and means is analyzed.

Purpose: conducting a comprehensive study of the scientific activities of the staff of SCIP-5 Vibration laboratory (VIS, SRI-100, CSIIS) of the People's Commissariat of Construction of the USSR on seismic protection of buildings and structures during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Assessment of the contribution of the staff of the SCIP-5 Vibration laboratory (VIS, SRI-100, CSIIS) of the People's Commissariat of Construction of the USSR under the leadership of D.D. Barkan to the study of the effect of seismic waves for the preparation of materials for the design and calculation of structures exposed to bombs. And also to show how the research results were implemented not only in the military, but also in the post-war periods during the construction of defense and civilian facilities. To supplement, on the basis of archival data, the biography of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor D.D. Barkan with new facts of his scientific activity.

Materials and methods. The author, having studied archival materials on the topic, with the help of retrospective, historical, typological and comparative research methods, showed the sides of the scientific activity of the staff of the SCIP-5 Vibration laboratory (VIS, SRI-100, CSIIS) of the People's Commissariat of Construction of the USSR.

Results. The historiography of the first comprehensive research on the theoretical study of the action of a seismic explosion wave by the staff of the SCIP-5 Vibration laboratory (VIS, SRI-100, CSIIS) of the People's Commissariat of Construction of the USSR has been compiled in order to further prepare materials for the design and calculation of structures exposed to aerial bombs. The article examines the preparatory period of scientists' work in 1942–1944 on the topic: "The seismic effect of aerial bombs on underground structures (walls, foundations, etc.)". The scientific biography of Professor D.D. Barkan has been updated.

Conclusions.The author expanded the source base of the research, introduced new archival documents and materials into scientific circulation. The great importance of the research activities of the SCIP-5 team of scientists (VIS, SRI-100, CSIIS) in studying the effect of the seismic effect of an explosion on underground structures in order to protect them from possible destruction was noted. The activity of scientists who have prepared recommendations for the subsequent design and calculation of elements of underground structures in order to protect them from the action of seismic and explosive waves is shown.

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