The Refinement of the Model of Seismic Input for the Statistical Modeling of Structures
The Refinement of the Model of Seismic Input for the Statistical Modeling of Structures

The Refinement of the Model of Seismic Input for the Statistical Modeling of Structures


Смирнова Любовь Николаевна Smirnova Lyubov N.,
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Scientific secretary of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Уздин Александр Моисеевич Uzdin A.M.
Dr. of Eng, Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University

Prokopovich S.V.
PhD student, Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State University of Railway Engineering; LLC "UK" Modern Bridge Technologies», engineer

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
The paper describes a statistical method taking into account the velocity pulse and the energy characteristics of the reference impact. An example of generation of an impact is also given, which includes the impulse component.

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