Probabilistic estimation of reliability values for large-panel buildings based on the results of certification
Probabilistic estimation of reliability values for large-panel buildings based on the results of certification

Probabilistic estimation of reliability values for large-panel buildings based on the results of certification

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2021-2-54-71


Лапин Владимир Алексеевич Vladimir A. Lapin Engineering Science, Director of the Center for Scientific Research of the Construction Industry, Corresponding Member of the NIA of Kazakhstan and IEA, KazRDICA JSC, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Алдахов Еркин Серикович Yerkin S. Aldakhov
Director of Seismic Resistance and Survey Center, KazRDICA JSC, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Алдахов Серик Джумаханович Serik D. Aldakhov

Head of the Department of Analysis of the Consequences of Severe Earthquakes, KazRDICA JSC, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Али Алимжан Alimzhan B.Ali

Engineer, KazRDICA JSC, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Rubric:     Monitoring and certification of seismic constructions   
Key words: certification, risk, large-panel building, flexible floor, reliability, repeatability, damage

Under the agreement with the city authorities, in 2017-2018, for the first time, a full certification of the housing stock of apartment buildings was carried out. 2658 multi-storey large-panel buildings of various storeys from 2 to 9 floors were entered into the database. Based on the results of certification, quantitative estimates of the probability of failure and reliability for large-panel buildings of various types were obtained for the first time. The frequency of earthquakes is taken into account according to the current "Map of seismic zoning of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The reliability value is obtained for the entire group of large-panel buildings. It was revealed that large-panel buildings with the first flexible or brick floor are not earthquake-resistant. The results of the reliability and failure estimates are used for practical recommendations to reduce the risk and expected losses in possible earthquakes. It is proposed to strengthen large-panel buildings with the first flexible or brick floor (33 buildings). The method of strengthening should be determined by special studies.

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