Possibilities of Viscous Interlayers to Protect Structures Against Longitudinal Seismic Vibrations
Possibilities of Viscous Interlayers to Protect Structures Against Longitudinal Seismic Vibrations

Possibilities of Viscous Interlayers to Protect Structures Against Longitudinal Seismic Vibrations


Alishaev M. G.
д-р техн. наук (Институт проблем геотермии Дагестанского научного центра РАН (ИПГ ДНЦ РАН), Махачкала, Республика Дагестан)

Batayev D.K-S.
д-р техн. наук, проф. (КНИИ РАН, Грозный, Чеченская Республика)

Batdalov M.M.
д-р техн. наук, проф. (ГГНТУ им. акад. М.Д.Миллионщикова, Грозный, Чеченская Республика)

Rubric:     Seismic safety and seismic isolation of buildings   

The paper considers issues connected with modeling of plate-type support behavior. Aseismic possibilities of the viscous interlayer to protect structures against longitudinal seismic vibrations are explored. The role of various factors is sequentially revealed, that is density and viscosity of the damping medium, vibration damping with time, specific load on the damping layer. The calculations made have shown that vibration damping occurs rather rapidly with small interlayer thicknesses when taking up high vertical loads.

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