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The Contributor Guidelines to "Earthquake Engineering. Constructions Safety" Journal


1. A brief biographical sketch of each author should include current title and company or business affiliation, education - degrees, dates and institutions, and professional affiliations, and also contact phone, postal and email address, a photo in TIF or JPG format. 

2. The keywords (5-7) are in Russian and English.

3. Abstract for a scientific article - a brief retelling of the content of the work, indicating the goals, objectives, scientific novelty, keywords, results and their applications. An abstract is a source of information that is independent of the article. It is written after completion of work on the main text of the article. The abstract focuses on what is new in this scientific article in comparison with other works on similar topics. The abstract is written briefly, without evaluation. Abstracts for specialized collections and journals are written with a view to the reader with relevant knowledge, using professional terms, and adhering to the scientific style. Russian Russian and English languages are used for the abstract, and the keywords are given in Russian and English. The recommended volume is 200 - 250 words in Russian and English.

Abstract is used as: an

element of an extended title that allows the reader to decide whether to read the entire article or not;

input data element in automated systems for easier search;

element of the bibliographic record when publishing in scientific collections.

Possible annotation structure:

specifying the topic of the article and its characteristics;

Problem description;

The goals and objectives of the study;

Scientific novelty of the research;

Method of research;

Methods of solving the problem proposed by the author;

Obtained result;

Conclusions based on the results;

List of keywords (the list of keywords should include terms and basic concepts from the title, abstract, first and last paragraphs of the article).

Due to the limited size of the abstract, it is not possible to specify all the above items, so it is possible to use a combination of items that the author considers the most significant.

4. It is obligatory to have a bibliography with references within the whole text.

5. Obligatory attachment is recommendation letter from the author's organization, review and expert opinion.


1. Pictures need to be sent electronically and saved as EPS, AI, CDR.

2. Photographs are preferred as TIF, JPG format.

3. Resolution is not less then 300 dpi.

4. Tables, schemes and diagrams need to be inserted to the text and be available for editing in the program, where they were created (Excel, CorelDraw) with captions in Russian and English.

5. Each picture should be given a figure number and have a caption that explains it. 

6. All data in tables is written without any reduction.

7. All mathematical formulas need to be written in MS Word with Mathtype

We are pleased to receive manuscripts from new or experienced authors.

Our address:

109456 Moscow PO box 29

Tel/fax (499) 174-70-65 

Procedure of manuscript  reviewing for publication in the "Earthquake Engineering. Constructions safety"

1.  The received text is reviewed by managing editor to determine if it is met our standards for style and tone. Please, provide the manuscript with the author's agreement for registration, the recommendation letter and expert opinion.

2. The manuscript is reviewed by one or two members of editorial board or by other experts, who have deep professional knowledge of the subject. It is not allowed to make a review for those experts who work in the organization, which produced the manuscript.

3. Reviewers are informed that all provided manuscripts are intellectual property, and should not be disclosed.

4.Review includes detailed article analysis of all scientific pros and cons so as constructive comments for improving and finalizing it.

Reviewer analyzes

- article actuality, if the provided information match the nowadays scientific attainments.

- innovative aspect, originality and significance 

- information completeness and reliability 

- correctness of terminology, language style. 

Review should include recommendations like:

- adopt without changes

- adopt with some changes

- adopt, but make changes

- reject

5. A review is sent to the managing editor not later then one month after receiving a manuscript.

6. If review has any recommendations concerning corrections or finalization, it is directed to the author for rework with the request to take into consideration the recommendations or to disprove argumentatively.

7. In case the manuscript is not recommended for publication, the editing board can send it to rewrite basing on recommendations, and also redirect the manuscript to a different reviewer.

The copy of negative review is sent to the author.

8. If manuscript gets negative impact, it is sent to additional reviewing. In case two negative opinions occurred, the manuscript would be rejected.

9. The decision about publication after reviewing will be adopted by the main editor or by his deputy, or by all editorial board if necessary. The managing editor informs the author about decision.

10. All reviews have being kept for 5 years from the publication day and can be submitted on request to the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF.