Aptikaev S.F.
PhD, JSC Atomenergoproject, chief specialist
Results of the microseismic monitoring data preliminary analysis in the near region of the Akkuyu NPP construction site
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Preliminary results of the seismic monitoring data analysis forthe period from November 2011 to December 2015 by a local seismic network in the near region of the NPP site are presented. Three clusters of seismic activity (swarms) localized on land and offshore, were identified. Clusters are close to isometric in plan, elongated in depth and not associated with known tectonic elements of the area. Qualitative assessment of the attenuation field variability in the region is obtained by the short-period coda-wave method. The characteristics of the shear wave attenuation field in clusters are close to each other, as well as to similar characteristics of the shear wave attenuation field near the Karaman-Mut faults system. The shear wave attenuation for zones located outside the faults system and clusters is obviously less. It is supposed that isolated clusters zones as well as fault zones can be referred to weakened fluid-saturated zones.