Gusev Ye.L.
Gusev Ye.L.

Gusev Ye.L.


Project of Changes and Addendums Guide Lines SP 14.13330.2014 “Construction in Seismic Regions. SNiP II-7-81*” (first drafting)
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Experts of TSNIISK named after. V.A. Koucherenko JSC “RCC”, IPE RAS, АIIS and workgroup members have prepared and passed the first drafting project of changes and addendums SP 14.13330.2014 in FСS of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation for accommodation on site for public discussion.

The Optimum Selection Problems of the Physical and Geometrical Structure for Laminated Heterogeneous Composite Components under Elastic Wave Oblique Incidence. Part III
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The variation statements of seismological inverse problems on the basis of methods of mathematical and computer modeling are investigated. The investigations are aimed at studying new effects, new opportunities to increase reliability, strength, earthquake resistance, lifetime of structures in complex technical systems under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors. The perspective ways under study are connected with selection of the qualitative information about important regularities that characterize interaction of elastic seismic waves with components of various buildings, structures and pipeline systems.
The results obtained and the regularities identified can be used to solve a wide range of problems connected with development and application of effective seismic protection systems (seismic protective structurally heterogeneous screens, seismic protective heterogeneous bases and foundations of various buildings and structures, seismic protection screening  belts, etc.), as well as solving problems of optimal selection of  heterogeneity distribution in components of various enclosures with the aim to ensure their higher reliability, strength, seismic stability under unfavorable environmental factors.