Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the NRU MSUCE. Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: KabantsevOV@mgsu.ru
Oleg V. Kabantsev
Features of Elastic-plastic Deformation of Reinforced Concrete Shear-wall Structures under Earthquake Excitations
Issue: №1 2020
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dynamic analysis. The results of the research shown: that in the shear-wall elements of reinforced concrete structures the level of plastic deformations should be significantly reduced in relation to the normative level of plastics in other structural elements of the carrier system. The completed studies substantiated the introduction of differentiated values seismic-force-reduction factor for different types of structural elements on shear-walls reinforced concrete structures of earthquake-resistant buildings.
Criteria Limit States of Masonry Structures Earthquake-Resistant Buildings
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Deformation Properties of Masonry as a Piecewise Homogeneous Medium for Elastoplastic Strain Analysis
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The paper sets forth the main principles of determining the masonry deformation properties as a mixed modular medium consisting of heterogeneous materials for the purposes of discrete modeling. The formulas are proposed to define the values of deformation characteristics of the masonry materials with account of the stress and strain state specific character under loading.
Partial Criteria of Masonry Strength for ElasticPlastic Deformation
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The paper presents the results of the currently used masonry strength criteria analysis. The principle of forming partial strength criteria based on the results of studying masonry specimen failure schemes is considered. The formulas for determining the values of partial strength criteria are proposed to discretely simulate masonry as a composite medium consisting of heterogeneous materials and their connections.
On Building Earthquake-Resistance Assessment Dependability on the Basis of Diagnostics Results by the Low-Intensity Impulse Input Method
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The paper presents the results of the analysis of buildings’ technical state and earthquake resistance estimation procedures based on the diagnostics data by the low-intensity impulse input. A comparative analysis of buildings’ dynamic characteristics variation under the changes of structural rigidity parameters is presented. A comparative analysis of load-bearing capacities for structural elements with different rigidities is provided.
Experimental and theoretical study of seismic reinforcement of the construction of masonry by externally bonded FRP systems
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Results of experimental studies of concrete samples of different strengths with spiral reinforcement
Issue: #5-2023
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The purpose of this work is to study the load-bearing capacity, deformability, and energy intensity of compressed reinforced concrete structures with spiral reinforcement. Experimental and theoretical studies have shown that the use of reinforced concrete structures with spiral reinforcement will significantly increase their deformability and energy intensity. This paper presents the results of an analysis of experimental studies of the stress-strain state of samples of 100x100x400 mm prisms made of concrete of classes B20 and B40 with spiral reinforcement with different pitches of turns and diameter of the reinforcement.
Stress-strain state of concrete reinforced with spiral reinforcement under static loading
Issue: #6-2023
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Increasing the seismic resistance of structural systems of buildings and structures, as well as the bearing capacity of structures subjected to high-intensity dynamic impacts, is an important task. At the moment, there are traditional methods of protection against such impacts that ensure the reliability and safety of both individual structures and buildings as a whole by increasing mainly the geometric and strength properties of the material of load-bearing structures. However, the use of such methods leads to an increase in the cost and material intensity of construction.
The purpose of this work is to further study the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete structures with spiral reinforcement. In this article, in addition to the results given in [2], the results of experimental studies of samples of prisms 100 x 100 x 400 mm and 200 x 200 x 800 mm made of concrete of classes B20 and B40 reinforced with spirals with different pitch turns and diameter are presented.