Shokbarov Eraly M.
Shokbarov Eraly M.

Shokbarov Eraly M.
candidate of technical sciences, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Construction and Architecture. Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


Use of recycled tires for earthquake protection of structures
Issue: #3 2021
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The article presents numerous structures of earthquake-resistant foundations that have been developed by the authors and other engineers over the past more than 30 years, in which recycled metal-cord tires are used. The designs of dynamic dampers of dynamic vibrations, in which the containers for bulk fillers are made of recycled tires, are presented. Recycled tires are also effectively used in the creation of earthquake shields, as well as reinforcing elements and seismic insulation

layers of earthquake-resistant ground dams. In all the above-mentioned technical solutions, the earthquake resistance of buildings and structures is achieved due to the unique geometric and physico-chemical-mechanical properties of recycled rubber tires with a metal cord.


Vibrodynamic tests of nine-storey large-panel residential building in the city of Shymkent
Issue: #5-2023
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This article presents the methodology and results of full-scale vibration-dynamic tests of a nine-story large-panel residential building in Shymkent, the Republic of Kazakhstan. The results of instrumental measurements (displacements, accelerations, floor distortions) were determined and an analysis was performed on the possibility of using this design in seismic regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.