Bazarov A.D.
Bazarov A.D.

Bazarov A.D.
мл. научн. сотрудник, (Бурятский Филиал Геофизической службы СО РАН, Улан-Удэ)


Seismic Reliability of Modern Housing in Ulaanbaatar City
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The study of seismic vulnerability of residential buildings in Ulaanbaatar has been performed for 14 typical objects. Those included old brick houses, 5- and 9-story large-panel houses, and new 8-16-story frame buildings. Classification of buildings by seismic resistance has been conducted on the new Russian scale GOST R (project). Engineering-seismometric studies have been made on dynamic characteristics of buildings at microseisms. Seismic risk assessment has been made for housing and population of Ulaanbaatar.

Technical State Monitoring for the Sports Complex Large-Span Roof
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The paper discusses the results of using methods of periodic (discrete) spatial engineering and seismological monitoring  at the finishing construction stage of the Sports Complex (Ulan-Ude). The micro-dynamic modal method informative content is shown in nondestructive testing both of individual elements and in monitoring of the changes in the state of large-span structures and in experimental estimate of design finite-element models approximation.