Kholmyansky M.L.
Kholmyansky M.L.

Kholmyansky M.L.


Vibration Calculation for Complex-Shaped Machine Foundations Under Dynamic Loads of Various Types
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According to actual regulations vibration calculation for rigid machine foundation under different dynamic loads is calculated according to models of 1‑and 2‑degrees-of-freedom systems. However in many cases machine foundations are of complex nonsymmetrical shape, and so it is necessary to employ a more complicated model with 6 degrees of freedom.

Methods for machine foundations vibration calculation are being developed in the general case of the lack of symmetry. Vibrational displacements under impulsive dynamic load are presented through matrix exponential. Directions are given for finding power spectral density functions and root mean square values of vibrational displacements under stationary random dynamic loads, including white noise. The results obtained are easy to implement and make it possible to fulfil the vibration prognosis and limitation requirements.