Salandayeva O.I.
Salandayeva O.I.

Salandayeva O.I.


Seismic Reliability of Modern Housing in Ulaanbaatar City
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The study of seismic vulnerability of residential buildings in Ulaanbaatar has been performed for 14 typical objects. Those included old brick houses, 5- and 9-story large-panel houses, and new 8-16-story frame buildings. Classification of buildings by seismic resistance has been conducted on the new Russian scale GOST R (project). Engineering-seismometric studies have been made on dynamic characteristics of buildings at microseisms. Seismic risk assessment has been made for housing and population of Ulaanbaatar.

A Comprehensive Methodology for Housing Stock Record in Terms of the Town of Shelekhov under “The Seismic Safety of the Irkutsk Region Program”
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The paper deals with the results of the housing stock record in the town of Shelekhov in the Irkutsk Region. The use has been made of the IEC SB RAS comprehensive methodology of record for the Baikal Region. In keeping with this methodology, a basic network of representative buildings comprising 326 objects has been created in Irkutsk, Angarsk and Shelekhov. The town of Shelekhov (47.500 inhabitants, 500 residential buildings) has proved to be a suitable site for approbating the comprehensive record methodology.

Town-planning approach to the reconstruction of residential development of the first panel series 1-335c in the seismic region
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Residential buildings of the first panel series 1-335c have a number of design features that are unfavorable in terms of seismic resistance and durability. The enhancement of seismic stability of the housing stock of the 1960-1970 series turned into a serious social and economic problem of the Baikal region.