Savin S.N.
Savin S.N.

Savin S.N.


Practical Application of the Method of Dynamic Tests for Evaluation of the Category of Technical State and Seismic Stability of Buildings and Constructions in Weak and Strong Pulse Influences
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In the article there are given the research results of using the method of dynamic tests of buildings for hardness gap assessment of weak and strong seism impulse impacts. Distinguished to the opinion of O.V. Kabantsev, stated in the article on the unreliability of the results of the deficit rigidity assessment on the basis of the results of diagnostics by the method of pulsed influence of low intensity, the authors cite numerous theoretical and experimental data showing the fallacy of O.V. Kabantsev judgment and sensitivity of the method of dynamic tests to the rigidity change of buildings and constructions. 

The use of elastic vibrations with different wavelengths to evaluate the dynamic parameters of buildings and structures and assess the strength of materials of the building construction
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The paper presented considers the potential use of elastic vibrations with different wavelengths to determine the dynamic parameters of the investigated buildings and structures. Furthermore, the use of acoustic methods is examined as nondestructive testing methods to assess the strength and composition of the building construction.