VEDYAKOV I.I. is the editor-in-chief of the journal, the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, the Academician of the Russian Engineering Academy, the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Fire Safety, the advisor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN), the Laureate of the Russian Federation Government prizes in science and technology, the Honored Builder of Russia, the president of Russian Association of earthquake engineering and protection against natural and manmade hazards (RAEE), the Director of the Central Research Institute of Building Constructions (TSNIISK) named after V.A.Kucherenko of JSC RCC.
He was born on January 31, 1959 in the Republic of Mordovia, USSR. In 1982 he graduated from faculty “Industrial and Civil Construction” of Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering named after V.V. Kuybyshev. From 1982 to1985 he worked as a master, foreman in Building and Construction Department №1 of Osobstroy-2 Group of Glavmosoblstroy. From 1985 until the present day he has been working for TSNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko in the following positions: senior engineer, junior researcher, senior researcher, leading researcher, deputy head of the laboratory, head of laboratory, deputy director, and now the Director of the Institute.
TSNIISK named after V.A.Kucherenko is the leading organization in the field of valuation of various types of loads and building structures and research of structural behavior. Professionals of TSNIISK assist and participate (as developers of projects and recommendations) in creation of large and unique facilities in Russia and develop the regulatory framework for construction. In 1990 as a postgraduate student Vedyakov I.I. got the scientific degree of the Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 2000 he wrote the fundamental thesis "Reserve capacity identification of load-bearing properties of steel building structures based on improved calculation methods and rational use of modern materials" and got the scientific degree of the Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Since 2002 he has been a part-time lecturer at the "Industrial and Civil Construction" faculty of Elektrostal Polytechnic Institute, branch of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MAMI). In February 2008 Vedyakov I.I. was awarded with the scientific title of Professor by the High Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
Vedyakov I.I. is the scientific supervisor for post-graduate students writing their dissertation works for the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical sciences and for scientists writing thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Under his supervision one doctoral thesis and four candidate dissertations were successfully defended. Vedyakov I.I. is also a member of the specialized councils on Doctor and Candidate dissertations’ approval under the specialization 05.23.01 “Building constructions, structures and facilities” at JSC RCC and National Research Moscow State Univercity of Civil Engineering (NRU MGSU). The results of Vedyakov I.I.’ scientific studies are widely used in building practice and were published in around 110 articles, educational textbooks, 5 monographs. He has got four patents for the inventions.
Vedyakov I.I. is awarded with the ENEA silver medal, “Moscow-850” medal, the “Honored builder of Russia” symbol (2002), the memorable medal for Ostankinskaya tower reconstruction after the fire (2007), the memorable medal for “Worker and kolkhoz woman” sculpture reconstruction (2008), the golden medal of the international exhibition “Metall-Expo”(2012), the EMERCOM medal “Bravery. Courage, Honor” (2012), the memorable medal of the Ministry of Regions of Russia “The Builder of the APEC summit construction objects” (2012), he twice became the Laureate of the Russian Federation Government prizes in science and technology (2012, 2018).
Since 2017 Vedyakov I.I. is the editor-in-chief of the journal, he also is a member of the editorial board of the journal “Industrial and Civil Construction”, which is one of the main leading journals in the field of building.