
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


"Earthquake engineering. Constructions safety" Journal

The publisher is Russian Association of earthquake engineering and protection against  natural and manmade hazards  (RAEE) (from 1995). Nowadays it unites more then 250 top specialists from 182 scientific, design and exploration, producing and educational organizations from all regions of Russia and other countries.

The main editor is Ivan Vedyakov, Ph.D in Engineering, Professor

The Journal (from 1974) is a scientific and technical  issue covering the questions concerning constructions design, building and operation in seismically active regions of Russia and other  countries. 

First of all this journal is designed to capture the attention of those, who are interested in problems and innovations in modern building science referring to seismic safety, that is to teachers, students, investors and  public authorities. 

The authors of our journal are young talented practitioners, professionals, scientists, postgraduate students, known engineers, economists, ecologists, city planners, which are ready to share their experience and knowledge.

From February 1, 2024, all materials of the journal “Earthquake Engineering. Constructions Safety" will be published on the terms of free full access. Free full access to all materials is provided to all users registered in their personal account on the website of the journal “Earthquake Engineering. Constructions Safety."

The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences and the doctor of Sciences should be published. In the current version of List of 09.12.2024 our journal has a number 2513.  According to the final distribution of the journals of the HAC List by categories K1, K2, K3 in December 2023 our journal was included in K2. In the rating of the RSCI Science Index on the topic "Construction. Architecture" it is at the 18th position of 87.

   The journal is included in the Russian science citation index system. The journal is also indexed in the following academic databases and information systems: Ulrich's Web Global Serials Directory, CrossRef, ROADGoogle Academy.

Regular features include:

-        Technical regulation and design standards development 

-         Seismic safety in city planning.

-         Theoretical and  experimental studies.

-         Design, building and reconstruction of aseismic constructions.

-         Seismic safety and seismic isolation of buildings.

-         Bases and foundations, underground structures

-         Seismic zoning.

-         Monitoring and certification of seismic constructions.

-         Seismic risk and damage.

-         Viewpoints.

-         Conferences. Symposia. Meetings.

-         Official documents.

-         News/Events.

Periodicity is 6 issues a year (February, April, June, September, November, December)

The journal is published in Russian and English. Additionally authors' names, article titles, annotations, keywords and captions for figures and tables are written in English/Russian.

The journal is distributed by subscription and by special private dispatch among public authorities and companies - the members of self regulation organizations (SRO) from the RF and other countries.

Obligatory free copies are distributed to Federal Press and Mass communication of the RF, to Russian Chamber of Books and to the authors of published articles.

The articles sent to the editorial board, are to be reviewed. The reviews can be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF on request.

The author of the published materials is responsible for the selection and accuracy of the facts, quotations, proper names, references to literary sources and other data.

We would be glad to see you and your colleges among the authors of our journal!