The use of the "flexible floor" effect in buildings of rigid structural systems
The use of the "flexible floor" effect in buildings of rigid structural systems

The use of the "flexible floor" effect in buildings of rigid structural systems

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2023-2-45-53


Белаш Татьяна Александровна Tatiana A. Belash
Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Professor, JSC Research Center of Construction. Moscow, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Design, building and reconstruction of aseismic constructions   
Key words: rigid structural system; "flexible floor", earthquake resistance, seismic protection, damper, vibration dampener
Buildings of rigid structural systems with the inclusion of "flexible floors" in their designs are a well-known solution that has become widespread in many southern regions for the organization of summer rooms, recreation, sports, etc. At the same time, the "flexible floor" was located at the level of the first floor. This approach allowed not only to create comfortable living conditions, but also with its help it was possible to reduce seismic loads on buildings by increasing the flexibility of the entire building and improving its dynamic characteristics. In another constructive solution, the earthquake resistance of the building increases due to the location of the "flexible floor" in the uppermost part, while the "flexible floor" performs the role of dynamic vibration dampener. However, according to architectural and planning requirements, there is a need to use free spaces in the middle part of rigid buildings, which can also be implemented through a "flexible floor". Assessment of the seismic resistance of these buildings in seismic areas under impacts different frequency composition is of great importance for the safe operation of these facilities. Some of the results of this study are presented in this article.
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