Kinematically excited beam vibrations under random perturbations
Kinematically excited beam vibrations under random perturbations

Kinematically excited beam vibrations under random perturbations

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2023-6-45-52


Lyalyusya A. Baragunova
senior lecturer of the Department of Building Structures and Mechanics, Kabardino-Balkaria State University named after H.M. Berbekov. Nalchik, Russian Federation 

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: stationary random process, spectral matrix, steady-state beam oscillations, initial conditions, boundary conditions, kinematically excited deterministic oscillations, random field of deviations, dispersion, kinematic perturbation model, vector stationary random process, stationary coupled components, standard deviations of displacements

There is numerous information in the technical and scientific literature that often the sources of forced kinematically excited oscillations have a clearly expressed random nature. Kinematically excited vibrations of beams are considered. Their sources are random disturbances. Steady (in a probabilistic sense) vibrations of beams are studied. As a consequence, the transverse vibrations of the beam will also be random, and it becomes necessary and expedient to switch to stochastic motion models.

Introduction. For a random perturbation process, a spectral matrix is specified. Initial conditions for the equations are not required. The boundary conditions are similar to those used for free and kinematically excited deterministic oscillations. The task is to find the spectral matrix of the random field of beam deviations and dispersion for a given spectral matrix. The question of determining the mathematical expectation is not raised. It is argued that it can be easily reduced to known deterministic problems.

Methods. To carry out specific calculations, a model of kinematic disturbances is used in the form of a vector N-dimensional stationary random process with stationary connected components that have hidden periodicities (characteristic frequencies). A test example was completed to determine the dispersion and standard deviation of displacements. The numerical integration step was adopted after numerical experiments. When performing calculations, the parity of the integrand was taken into account. The lower limit of integration is taken to be zero, followed by doubling of the final result.

Results. For small values of the broadband parameter, the results of the stochastic and deterministic problems differ little. Examples are presented that are stochastic analogs of harmonic oscillations. For beams under kinematic harmonic disturbances, test examples were performed to determine dispersions and standard deviations.

The discussion of the results. The results of calculations in the article are presented by curves having numbers that coincide with the numbers of the matrices. The first matrix corresponds to the absolute correlation of disturbances. The second matrix corresponds to the absolute correlation between the first and third, second and fourth disturbances, while these pairs are absolutely uncorrelated. The third matrix describes random perturbations when the indicated pairs, being perfectly positively correlated within, are absolutely perfectly negatively correlated between pairs. The fourth curve corresponds to the case of ideal correlation of the first three disturbances with each other, while the movements of the fourth support are in antiphase with them. In the latter case, the movements of the outer supports are in antiphase with the movements of the middle ones, which favors the greatest bending of the beam. Therefore, the elastic line has a curvature that is significantly greater than the others.
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