
DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2022-6-71-76


Ramazan A. Nabiev

doctor of economics, professor, director of the Institute of urban planning of Astrakhan State Technical University, head of the Department of economics and enterprise management. Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Andrey Yu. Kurdyuk
candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of the Institute of urban planning, of Astrakhan State Technical University. Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Vladimir D. Bashmachnikov
postgraduate of the Institute of urban planning, of Astrakhan State Technical University. Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Seismic safety in city planning   
Key words: seismicity, foundations, seismic microdistricting, risk management
In recent years, new risks in areas of intensive development – geodynamic phenomena and processes of various types and scales with negative environmental and socio-economic consequences - have become an urgent topic for scientists and engineers. It is believed that these processes occur mainly in mobile (orogenic) regions. The most dangerous are induced earthquakes due to the course of man-made processes, which in turn are a source of geodynamic risk. These conditions have also developed on the territory of the Lower Volga region and the Northern Caspian Sea, where the bases are mostly composed of soils of the third category in terms of seismic properties, which, in turn, being surface deposits, increase the intensity of the incoming impact. Currently, these seismic safety factors are not taken into account when designing buildings and structures in the city and in the region as a whole. Weak water-saturated soils of the bases and an extensive picture of the lithological composition are able to change the intensity and spectral composition of the seismic impact. The current approach to assessing the seismic hazard in the country is based on the assumption of the influence of soils on the territory, in its area many times larger than the built-up area. Nevertheless, surveys of destructive earthquakes, as well as scientific work and research by some researchers, clearly prove the influence of soils of small territories on the intensity and spectral composition of seismic vibrations. Risks can be managed by knowing the seismic properties of the foundation, as well as determining the dynamic parameters of existing buildings and structures, i.e. not only to implement the design and construction of earthquake-resistant buildings and structures, but also to carry out a complex of work on the examination, design and reinforcement of existing buildings and structures in order to prevent their destruction.
Used Books:

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3. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. No. 1 of January 6, 2006.          (In Russian)

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