Experience of the examination of industrial safety of structuresof the open flyover of the slag yard of the open-hearth workshop of JSC TAGMET
Experience of the examination of industrial safety of structuresof the open flyover of the slag yard of the open-hearth workshop of JSC TAGMET

Experience of the examination of industrial safety of structuresof the open flyover of the slag yard of the open-hearth workshop of JSC TAGMET

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2023-1-24-44


Margarita I. Gukova
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Reconstruction and monitoring of unigue buildings and structures, Research Institute of Building Constructions named after V.A. Koucherenko, JSC Research Center of Construction. Moscow. Russian Federation

Lidia S. Rozhkova
Senior Researcher, Laboratory of High-rise buildings and structures of Metal structures division, Research Institute of Building Constructions named after V.A. Koucherenko, JSC Research Center of Construction. Moscow. Russian Federation

Mikhail I. Farfel
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Head of the Laboratory of Reconstruction and monitoring of unigue buildings and structures, Research Institute of Building Constructions named after V.A. Koucherenko, JSC Research Center of Construction, Associate Professor of the Department of Metal and Wooden Structures of the NRU MGSU. Moscow. Russian Federation

Rubric:     Monitoring and certification of seismic constructions   
Key words: steel, steel structure, bearing capacity, stiffness, truss, beam, rod, bolt, connection
Industrial safety expertise plays a huge role in preserving buildings and structures and preventing their destruction and undesirable consequences that are inevitable during the operation of damaged structures, especially in buildings with hazardous production or under heavy operating conditions of overhead cranes. Currently, due to the aging and wear of structures, the examination of industrial safety of buildings and structures is becoming increasingly important. Central Research Institute of Building Structures named after V.A. Koucherenko of JSC "SIC "Construction" since 1995 for almost 20 years conducted surveys of the workshops of JSC "Tagmet", giving conclusions on industrial safety and recommendations for repairing and strengthening damaged building structures in order to enable and conditions for further safe operation. The article provides an example of successfully carried out work on the inspection of shop structures, which can be extended to modern practice. The article analyzes the results of a survey of the technical condition of structures, classifies damages and gives recommendations for ensuring the safe operation of structures of an open crane overpass.
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