Important aspects of calculating of the stability of the retaining wall while preventing soil liquefaction from seismic load
Important aspects of calculating of the stability of the retaining wall while preventing soil liquefaction from seismic load

Important aspects of calculating of the stability of the retaining wall while preventing soil liquefaction from seismic load

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2023-5-91-105


Minaev O.P.
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), associate professor of the Department of construction and operation management of military infrastructure facilities of Military institute (engineering and technical) of Military academy of logistics named army general A.V. Khrulev & of the Department of hydrotechnical facilities, structures and hydraulics of the Institute of water transport of Admiral Makarov State university of maritime. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Design, building and reconstruction of aseismic constructions   
Key words: gravity retaining wall, stability, sand filling, soil foundation, soil liquefaction, vibrodynamic consolidation

In the development of the well-known solution, the author of the article for the first time introduces a condition for preventing the liquefaction of sandy backfill soils and a sand cushion at the base of the retaining wall (in the case of its device), which will cause a catastrophic loss of stability of the retaining wall and the bearing capacity of the base. From this position, the article describes the features of calculating the gravitational retaining wall for seismic impact. It is emphasized that in order to increase the stability of the structure of sandy soils to the liquefaction process, effective vibrodynamic methods of soil consolidation developed by the author of the article should be used, which allow compacting sandy soils to the specified mechanical characteristics that exclude the process of their liquefaction under seismic influence.

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