Omarov Zhasultan Amanzholovich
Omarov Zhasultan Amanzholovich

Omarov Zhasultan Amanzholovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honorary Builder of Kazakhstan, Head of the laboratory “Seismic resistance of high-rise buildings” JSC "KazNIISA", 050046, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, st. Solodovnikova, 21, tel. 8(727)392-75-90, fax 8(727)392-75-92,


Dynamic testing of a high-rise monolithic building
Issue: #5-2024
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The task is to determine the dynamic characteristics of a 35-storey monolithic building in the city of Almaty. Dynamic tests were performed using a V-3 inertial vibration machine installed on the building floor. Oscillations were recorded using a digital instrumentation system. The results of dynamic tests of a 35-storey building of a frame-wall structure (monolithic) were obtained. For the first time, vibration periods were obtained for the first three vibration forms of a high-rise building, respectively, 1.38 s; 0.38 s; 0.195 s. Values of accelerations are determined by 3 forms of oscillation of buildings, respectively, 0.016 g, 0.199 g, 0.240 g. Dissipative properties of a high-rise building were estimated (logarithmic decrement of oscillation by oscillation forms 0.08 – 0.22). Somewhat unexpected here was the relatively small magnitude of the logarithmic decrement of the first form – 0.08. The features of the building behavior under dynamic impacts and the assessment of the ability of floor disks to distribute horizontal seismic loads between vertical elements were studied. The RMS acceleration of the first three forms is 0.312 g. After vibration tests, no damage or cracks were noted in the bearing structures of the building. In some partitions, cracks with a small opening are noted, which are formed, as a rule, at the junction of non-bearing structures with bearing ones. Conclusions are drawn about the need to adjust regulatory documents in construction. The results of the work can be used in the design of high-rise monolithic buildings.


Vibrodynamic tests of nine-storey large-panel residential building in the city of Shymkent
Issue: #5-2023
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This article presents the methodology and results of full-scale vibration-dynamic tests of a nine-story large-panel residential building in Shymkent, the Republic of Kazakhstan. The results of instrumental measurements (displacements, accelerations, floor distortions) were determined and an analysis was performed on the possibility of using this design in seismic regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.