Viktor A. Neshchadimov
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), senior lecturer of the Department of Reinforced Concrete Structures of the National Research University MGSU. Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail:
Stress-strain state of concrete reinforced with spiral reinforcement under static loading
Issue: #6-2023
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Increasing the seismic resistance of structural systems of buildings and structures, as well as the bearing capacity of structures subjected to high-intensity dynamic impacts, is an important task. At the moment, there are traditional methods of protection against such impacts that ensure the reliability and safety of both individual structures and buildings as a whole by increasing mainly the geometric and strength properties of the material of load-bearing structures. However, the use of such methods leads to an increase in the cost and material intensity of construction.
The purpose of this work is to further study the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete structures with spiral reinforcement. In this article, in addition to the results given in [2], the results of experimental studies of samples of prisms 100 x 100 x 400 mm and 200 x 200 x 800 mm made of concrete of classes B20 and B40 reinforced with spirals with different pitch turns and diameter are presented.