Algorithm Development of Information System Designed for City Planning
Algorithm Development of Information System Designed for City Planning

Algorithm Development of Information System Designed for City Planning


Zaalishvili V.B.
д-р физ.-мат. наук, проф., (Центр геофизических исследований ВНЦ РАН и РСО-А, г. Владикавказ)

Kanukov A.S.
Центр геофизических исследований ВНЦ РАН и РСО-А, г. Владикавказ"

Rubric:     Seismic safety in city planning   

Currently, among the geo-information systems a special place is occupied by The Information Systems Designed for City Planning, organized in accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code.

In order to standardize such systems, we have developed a structural-functional model of The Information System Designed for City Planning. Based on this model an algorithm is offered. This allows to create information systems that meet all the specified requirements. Thus The Information Systems Designed for City Planning maintains compatibility with other software products built according to this model and corresponding algorithm, as well as a number of existing information systems.

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