Technical State Monitoring for the Sports Complex Large-Span Roof
Technical State Monitoring for the Sports Complex Large-Span Roof

Technical State Monitoring for the Sports Complex Large-Span Roof


Bazarov A.D.
мл. научн. сотрудник, (Бурятский Филиал Геофизической службы СО РАН, Улан-Удэ)

Barannikov V.G.
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:52:"канд. техн. наук, (ООО «Востокпромпроект», Улан-Удэ)";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";}

Rubric:     Monitoring and certification of seismic constructions   

The paper discusses the results of using methods of periodic (discrete) spatial engineering and seismological monitoring  at the finishing construction stage of the Sports Complex (Ulan-Ude). The micro-dynamic modal method informative content is shown in nondestructive testing both of individual elements and in monitoring of the changes in the state of large-span structures and in experimental estimate of design finite-element models approximation.

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