Nonlinear Properties of Soils (Part II)
Nonlinear Properties of Soils (Part II)

Nonlinear Properties of Soils (Part II)


Zaalishvili V.B.
д-р физ.-мат. наук, проф., (Центр геофизических исследований ВНЦ РАН и РСО-А, г. Владикавказ)

Rubric:     Seismic zoning   

The parameters that are closely related to the absorption and soil nonlinearity were identified based on the analysis of instrumental records of strong motions. The empirical formulas connecting the areas of normalized and real spectra with the parameters of seismic action (magnitude, acceleration, epicentral distance, duration and weighted average frequency of ground motion) were obtained using regression analysis. The differences of absorption mechanism in dispersed (soft) and rocky soils were defined. The models of ground strata behavior in the case of variable intensity of dynamic action on the basis of consideration of the real area of the spectrum and the average value of the frequency, characterized by a linear and nonlinear elastic-inelastic deformation of the soils are offered.

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