On the necessity to update regulatory documents in the field of earthquake-resistant construction
DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2021-6-62-71
Zubritskiy Maksim Aleksandrovich
postgraduate student of department «Power Supply of Enterprises and Energy Resource Saving Technologies» of Kazan State Power Engineering University, tel.: +7 (982) 612-44-01, zubrickiy_maksim@mail.ru, 420066, Kazan, Saydasheva str., 12, r. 211
Ushakov Oleg Yurievich
Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor of the department «Computer-Aided Design Systems of Structures» of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Ural Federal University, 620002, 17 Mira street, r. SP-201, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate
Professor the department «Power Supply of Enterprises and Energy Resource
Saving Technologies» of Kazan State Power Engineering University, Associate
Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Innovation Management
of Kazan Federal University
Rubric: Technical regulation and design standards development
Key words: seismic impact, strength level earthquake, ductility level earthquake, dynamic coefficient, response spectrum, response spectrum analysis, nonlinear static method (Pushover Analysis), time history analysis
In 2019, scientific journal “ACADEMIA. ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION” published an article «Dynamic coefficients or response spectra of structures to earthquake ?» by E.N. Kurbatskiy and V.L. Mondrus [10]. The authors claim about necessity of normative documentation updating for seismic resistance estimation in terms of replacing the initial effects assignment through the dynamics coefficients graphs with the response spectra.
Inspired by the work of Kurbatskiy E.N. and Mondrus V.L., the authors proposed a number of improvements that will help eliminate the current inconsistency with modern knowledge in seismology and the current level of development of dynamic methods for seismic resistance estimation.
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