The Tests and Results of Engineering and Seismic Monitoring of Objects of Hydraulic Structures of Armenia
The Tests and Results of Engineering and Seismic Monitoring of Objects of Hydraulic Structures of Armenia

The Tests and Results of Engineering and Seismic Monitoring of Objects of Hydraulic Structures of Armenia


Geodakyan Edward G.
канд. физ.-мат. наук, зав. отделом

Karapetyan John K.
cand. geol. sciences, director and head laboratory of IGES NAS RA

Karapetyan S.S.
канд. геол.-минер. наук, зав. лабораторией

Hovhannisyan Sevada M.
corr.-member NAS RA Armenia, doctor of Physics and Mathematics, sov. director and head laboratory of the Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after named acad. A. Nazarov NAS RA (IGES NAS RA) 

Rubric:     Monitoring and certification of seismic constructions   
In reservoirs of Armenia with total capacity about 1.4 milliard m3 is concentrated, more than 75% of above mentioned amount of water in 20 reservoirs. The reservoirs with technical parameters and class of hydraulic structures (dams) are considered essential and refer to the most responsible hydraulic structures. On proposal of IGES NAN RA for technical modernization projects of the reservoirs seismic engineering system on the dams were obtained on required conditions. This article includes tests and the main results of seismic engineering monitoring of dams and reservoirs.

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