Liquefaction of soils bases explo sive compaction method as a way to improve seismic safety of buildings at a significantly reduced dynamic effects during its implementation
Liquefaction of soils bases explo sive compaction method as a way to improve seismic safety of buildings at a significantly reduced dynamic effects during its implementation

Liquefaction of soils bases explo sive compaction method as a way to improve seismic safety of buildings at a significantly reduced dynamic effects during its implementation


Minaev O.P.
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), associate professor of the Department of construction and operation management of military infrastructure facilities of Military institute (engineering and technical) of Military academy of logistics named army general A.V. Khrulev & of the Department of hydrotechnical facilities, structures and hydraulics of the Institute of water transport of Admiral Makarov State university of maritime. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   

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