Selection the parameters of spring-damper insulation of the turbine building with a vibration-isolated turbine foundation inside
DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2022-6-55-70
Aleksandr E. Babsky
chief specialist
(Structural Dynamics), Construction Department – Turbine Island, JSC
Atomenergoproekt St. Petersburg Branch – St. Petersburg Design Institute
Vladimir V. Lalin
doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Higher school of industrial, civil and road construction, Institute of civil engineering, Peter the Great
Vladimir A. Tarasov
JSC Atomenergoproekt St.
Petersburg Branch - St. Petersburg Design Institute; graduate student of the
Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction, Institute of Civil
Engineering, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
Rubric: Seismic safety and seismic isolation of buildings
Key words: vibration-insulated turbogenerator set foundation, response spectra, seismic stability, earthquake, seismic isolation, structural dynamics, seismic calculation
Seismic isolation is the most effective way to achieve seismic resistance of buildings and structures, the equipment located inside. The energy center of any power plant is its turbine unit - the main equipment responsible for generating electricity. The seismic stability of the turbine unit is ensured primarily by the fulfillment of the seismic resistance criteria by the turbine unit foundation – a special building structure that combines the parts of the turbine unit into a single system and serves to take static and dynamic loads.
Achievement of seismic resistance of the turbine unit foundation of a power plant through the use of various seismic isolation systems is a topical issue discussed in this article.
Dynamic calculations were performed in Nastran software using time history analysis and the finite element method. The main criteria for the seismic resistance of a vibration-insulated turbine foundation are the values of the maximum seismic accelerations in the axial direction at the level of the turbine installation and the values of vibration-insulated foundation maximum seismic deformations of vibration isolators.
In the research, seismic calculations of the turbine unit foundation with various parameters of the double seismic isolation system of the turbine unit were performed. The results made it possible to evaluate the influence of the parameters of the turbine building spring-damper insulation on the seismic resistance of the vibration-insulated turbine unit foundation.
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